Our goal is to improve pain and restore quality of life to those suffering from chronic pain through compassionate and personalized care. We focus on interventional therapies and minimally invasive solutions for long term pain relief.
The San Diego Pain Institute utilizes the latest diagnostic imaging to provide the most advanced pain therapies in the region such as epidural steroid injections, facet joint injections, spinal cord stimulation, and regenerative therapy.
San Diego Pain Institute specializes in treating a variety of painful conditions. View videos and learn about patient management conditions treated and procedures performed in our patient education library.
San Diego Pain Institute does not provide chronic or high dose opiate management and follows the recommendations of the FDA/CDC regarding responsible medication prescribing. San Diego Pain Institute accepts Private Insurance, Medicare, select HMOs, CareCredit, and major credit cards.
Office Address
5395 Ruffin Road Unit 202
San Diego, CA 92123
Ph: 858-576-1011
Fax: 858-576-1025